Something's got to give, and it doesn't always have to be you.

Stop operating out of self-sacrifice and overwhelm, and step into the fulfilling life you desire with one-on-one coaching

Something's got to give, and it doesn't always have to be you.

Stop operating out of self-sacrifice and overwhelm, and step into the fulfilling life you desire with one-on-one coaching

It's time to uncover what would truly make you whole

Whatever success looks like to you...that's what we strive for with Green Lava Coaching

Your situation is unique. Your coaching needs are too.


Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything on your plate and not sure how to navigate it all?

Out of Control?

Do you feel out of control because you never know what each day is going to bring you with your children, work, and other obligations?


Are you stuck because you don’t know what you want or how to balance it against the needs of everyone else?

Hello, I'm Regan and I've Been There...

Certified Leadership and Wellbeing Coach and founder of Green Lava Coaching

Welcome! Most parents struggle to achieve a true work/life balance, but when unforeseen challenges like financial hardship or illness are added to the mix, it can make you feel like there is no balance at all, and you’ve lost control. I founded Green Lava Coaching to help parents use the leadership skills they already possess to navigate through what’s blocking them, and move toward the rich, full life they desire. You can move toward the life you desire too. I can help.

At Green Lava Coaching, we focus on serving two groups of people with distinct life experiences.

Parents of Children with Chronic Health Issues

Parenting a child with a physical or mental illness while maintaining other commitments and responsibilities isn’t something you have to navigate alone. We’ll partner with you to put the plans in place that help you support your family, and yourself.

Parents with Demanding Careers

There’s only one of you, but when you are expected to do it all, it’s normal to feel like you’re being set up to fail.  We’ll partner with you to execute a plan that releases the tension, allows you to enjoy your career, your family, and still have something left for yourself.


Sometimes you don't need advice or therapy.
You need a plan, and the right coach to help you execute it.

Here's the Strategy

Identify It

Together, we’ll uncover what would truly make you whole, and uncover what’s blocking you from getting there.

Release It

With new found clarity, you’ll be empowered to let go of what’s not working and break the cycle of discontentment.

Move Forward

We’ll formulate a plan to not only step into your goals, but keep you in alignments with your values and your authentic self.

Take the First Steps Toward a More Authentic You

Step 1. Schedule a Discovery Call

We’ll talk about how coaching works, and find out If we’d be a good fit to work together. You’ll also get clear information on packages and pricing, so you can make a well informed, committed decision.

Step 2. Get customized coaching

Your coaching is determined by your unique situation. I will use my tools and experience to guide you with support, accountability and assurance, but you are the expert on you. I’m just here to help you embrace that truth.

Step 3. You get hope back

You’ll be able to move forward without fear of being stuck in the same repetitive cycle. You’ll be equipped, confident, and hopeful about the future.

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